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Biology MCQ for Class 11th (The Living World Class)


Question 1.
Identify the incorrect match.
(a) Physiology – Study of functions and processes of life
(b) Pedology – Soil science
(c) Limnology – Study of fresh water
(d) Kinesiology – Fossil study


Answer: (d) Kinesiology – Fossil study

Question 2.
The Phylogenetic system of classification was put forth by
(a) Theophrastus
(b) George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker
(c) Carolus Linnaeus
(d) Adolf Engler and Karl Prantl


Answer: (d) Adolf Engler and Karl Prantl

Question 3.
Two taxonomic species are distinguished from each other by
(a) their failure to interbreed
(b) their ability to exchange gene freely
(c) their similarity in morphological characters
(d) discontinuity in a set of correlated characters


Answer: (a) their failure to interbreed
Two taxonomic species are distinguished from each other by their failure to interbreed.

Question 4.
Musca domestica is common name of
(a) Housefly
(b) Mosquito
(c) Snail
(d) Ant


Answer: (a) Housefly
Musca domestica is the common name of housefly.

Question 5.
Keystone species are
(a) important for ecosystem
(b) important for plants
(c) endangered species
(d) extinct species


Answer: (a) important for ecosystem
Keystone species are plants or animals species that play a unique and crucial role in the way an ecosystem functions.
They are very important for ecosystem to function properly.

Question 6.
The study of fish culture is called
(a) ophiology
(b) herpetology
(c) ichthyology
(d) pisciculture


Answer: (d) pisciculture

Question 7.
National Botanical Research Institute is located in
(a) Shimla
(b) Dehradun
(c) Howrah
(d) Lucknow


Answer: (d) Lucknow
National Botanical Research Institute is located in Lucknow.

Question 8.
Biosystematics aims at
(a) Identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of cytological characteristics
(b) The classification of organisms based on broad morphological characters
(c) Delimiting various taxa of organism and establishing their relationships
(d) The classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies


Answer: (d) The classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies

Question 9.
In angiosperm, characters of flowers are used in classification because
(a) Flowers are attractive
(b) Flowers are large
(c) Characters of flowers are conservative
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Characters of flowers are conservative

Question 10.
Scientific name of plants are given by
(a) International code for Botanical nomenclature
(b) International code for biological plants
(c) Indian code for Botanical nomenclature
(d) International code for zoological nomenclature


Answer: (a) International code for Botanical nomenclature
The scientific names of plants are given by International code for Botanical nomenclature.

Question 11.
A system which gets a continuous flow of energy is called
(a) micropropagated system
(b) closed system
(c) open system
(d) steady state


Answer: (c) open system

Question 12.
Solanum, Panthera, Homo are examples of
(a) Family
(b) Division
(c) Genera
(d) Species epithet


Answer: (c) Genera
Solanum, Panthera, Homo are examples of generic names.

Question 13.
Which of the following is correct?
(a) Musca domestica Order – Diptera Family – Muscidae Phylum – Arthropoda
(b) Mangifera indica Order – Sapindales Family – Anacardiaceae Phylum – Gymnospermae
(c) Triticum aestivum Order – Poles Family – Monocotyledons Phylum – Angiospermae
(d) Panthera leo Order – leo Family – Felidae Phylum – Mammalia


Answer: (a) Musca domestica Order – Diptera Family – Muscidae Phylum – Arthropoda
Mangifera indica belongs to Phylum Angiospermae.
Triticum aestivum belongs to family Poaceae.
Panthera leo belongs to order Carnivora.

Question 14.
Binomial Nomenclature was given by
(a) Ernst Mayr
(b) Alexander Agassiz
(c) Carolus Linnaeus
(d) Alexander Agassiz and Carlous Linnaeus


Answer: (c) Carolus Linnaeus
The system of providing scientific names with two components i.e. generic name and specific epithet is called Binomial Nomenclature.
Binomial Nomenclature was given by Carolus Linnaeus.

Question 15.
Systematics deals with
(a) Nomenclature of new organisms
(b) Evolutionary relationship between organisms
(c) Identification of newly discovered organisms
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these
Linnaeus used Systema Naturae as the title of his publication.
The scope of systematics includes identification, nomenclature and classification.
Systematics takes into account evolutionary relationship between organisms.

Question 16.
Which of the following shows maximum diversity?
(a) Plantas
(b) Animalia
(c) Monerans
(d) Protistans


Answer: (b) Animalia

Question 17.
Which of the following does not come under taxon?
(a) Species
(b) Kingdom
(c) Division
(d) Key


Answer: (d) Key
Taxon is a group of one or more population of organisms.
Kingdom, division and species come under taxon but key is taxonomical aid.

Question 18.
The ozone layer is found in the
(a) hydrosphere
(b) stratosphere
(c) lithosphere
(d) troposphere


Answer: (b) stratosphere

Question 19.
Taxonomic studies depends on
(a) Ecological information of organisms.
(b) Structure of cell and development process of organisms.
(c) External and internal structure of organisms.
(d) All of the above.


Answer: (d) All of the above.
Taxonomic studies depends on ecological information of organisms, structure of cell and development process of organism and external and internal structure of organisms.

Question 20.
Wheat belongs to division ______.
(a) Angiospermae
(b) Gymnospermae
(c) Poacae
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Angiospermae
Wheat belongs to Angiospermae division.

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