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English MCQ for Class 10th (The Pace for Living)

Question 1.
“The Pace for Living” is written by …………….
(A) Aung San Suu Kyi
(B) Toni Morrison
(C) R.C. Hutchinson
(D) Satyajit Ray
(C) R.C. Hutchinson

Question 2.
Where did the writer of ‘The Pace for Living’ watch the play?
(A) Dubai
(B) Dublin
(C) Delhi
(D) London
(B) Dublin

Question 3.
R.C. Hutchinson was…………….
(A) American Novelist
(B) British Novelist
(C) French Novelist
(D) Italian Novelist
(B) British Novelist

Question 4.
The main character in “Pace for Living”, which the author saw was a/an …………….corn merchant.
(A) elderly
(B) handicapped
(C) young
(D) diabetic
(A) elderly

Question 5.
The author admits that quick travel does not give the traveller the real of travel.
(A) pains
(B) pleasure
(C) living
(D) holiday
(B) pleasure

Question 6.
In “The Pace for Living”, the writer captures the agony of …………….man.
(A) modem
(B) ancient
(C) future
(D) uncivilized
(A) modem

Question 7.
Where the author saw a play in which a corn-merchant was the chief character?
(A) Budapest
(B) Milan
(C) Dublin
(D) Conteburry
(C) Dublin

Question 8.
Who had the fantastic notion of spending £ 10 on a holiday?
(A) Son of corn-merchant
(B) Daughter of corn-merchant
(C) Father of corn-merchant
(D) Wife of corn-merchant
(D) Wife of corn-merchant

Question 9.
Who was cheating the corn-merchant?
(A) His Son
(B) His Nephew
(C) His Daughter
(D) His Wife
(B) His Nephew

Question 10.
Who did like fast travelling?
(A) The Corn-merchant
(B) The wife of Corn-merchant
(C) The Author
(D) None of these
(C) The Author

Question 11.
Who didn’t dislike the rapid movement of life?
(A) Corn-merchant
(B) Nephew of Corn-merchant
(C) The Author
(D) Wife of Corn-merchant
(C) The Author

Question 12.
Which word in the passage stands for worship?
(A) Adore
(B) Esprit
(C) Despair
(D) Escapiert
(A) Adore

Question 13.
Which tribe did the author belong?
(A) Fast thinkers
(B) Slow thinkers
(C) Steady thinkers
(D) None of these
(B) Slow thinkers

Question 14.
How many girls were in film?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Five
(B) Three

Question 15.
The main character in the play which the author saw was a/an …………….corn-merchant.
(A) elderly
(B) handicapped
(C) young
(D) diabetic
(A) elderly

Question 16.
Slow thinkers have a disadvantage when it comes to earning a…………….
(A) car
(B) factory
(C) living
(D) holiday
(C) living

Question 17.
Who was a man of many anxieties and had a dicky heart?
(A) R.C. Hutchinson
(B) Com-merchant
(C) The nephew of the Com-merchant
(D) The wife of the Com-merchant
(B) Com-merchant

Question 18.
Who exhibits an exceptional flair for touching the sensitive issues of the contemporary society?
(A) William Cowper
(B) Joan Lexau
(C) Walter dela Mare
(D) R.C. Hutchinson
(D) R.C. Hutchinson

Question 19.
What was the most enchanting line in the play?
(A) Now that’s too much
(B) Now that’s too fast
(C) Is this the same girl as the one we saw at the beginning?
(D) I’esprit del’ escaliert
(B) Now that’s too fast

Question 20.
The man’s complaint was so gloriously irrelevant to his
(A) Own character
(B) Own mind
(C) Own situation
(D) Own country
(C) Own situation

Question 21.
The speaker goes in a car at…………….
(A) nineteen miles an hour
(B) fourteen miles an hour
(C) sixteen miles an hour
(D) ninety miles an hour
(D) ninety miles an hour

Question 22.
The elderly corn-merchant was a man of…………….
(A) wealth
(B) property
(C) anxieties
(D) dicky
(C) anxieties

Question 23.
The Irish get a subtle truth by the most unlikely…………….
(A) approaches
(B) reproaches
(C) illusration
(D) comic
(A) approaches

Question 24.
To dine in London and ……………. in New York next day seems to me most satisfactory experiences.
(A) dinner
(B) breakfast
(C) toast
(D) lunch
(D) lunch

Question 25.
Slow thinkers are terribly….. in the business of getting a living.
(A) capped
(B) handicapped
(C) disabled
(D) tortured
(B) handicapped

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