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Maths MCQ for Class 11th (Set Theory )

Question-1. Given the sets

A = {1, 3, 5}, B = {2, 4, 6} and C = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}.

Which of the following may be considered as

universal set for all the three sets A, B and C?

(a) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

(b) f

(c) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

(d) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Answer : C

Question-2. The set {x : x is an even prime number} can be written as

(a) {2}

(b) {2, 4}

(c) {2,14}

(d) {2, 4, 14}

Answer : A

Question-3. Let A and B be two non-empty subsets of a set

X such that A is not a subset of B, then :

(a) A is a subset of complement of B

(b) B is a subset of A

(c) A and B are disjoint

(d) A and the complement of B are nondisjoint.

Answer : D

Question-4. The set (ABC)(AB¢C¢)'C¢ is equal to

(a) BC¢

(b) AC

(c) B C

(d) AC¢

Answer : A

Question-5. The set of intelligent students in a class is :

(a) A null set

(b) a singleton set

(c) a finite set

(d) Not a well defined collection

Answer : D

Question-6. Which of the following is correct for A – B?

(a) A B

(b) A' B

(c) A B'

(d) A' B'

Answer : C

Question-7. Which one is different from the others ?

(i) empty (ii) void (iii) zero (iv) null :

(a) (i)

(b) (ii)

(c) (iii)

(d) (iv)

Answer : D

Question-8. If A and B are two non-empty sets, then B (A B)c,

where Xc denotes the complement of X, is equal to :

(a) Ac

(b) B

(c) Ac  B

(d) f

Answer : D

Question-9. Which of the following collections are sets ?

(a) The collection of all the days of a week

(b) A collection of 11 best hockey player of India.

(c) The collection of all rich person of Delhi

(d) A collection of most dangerous animals of India.

Answer : A

Question-10. Which of the following properties are associative law ?

(a) AB = B A

(b) AC = C A

(c) AD = D A

(d) (AB)C = A(BC)

Answer : D

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