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Class-12- -English -MCQ on I Have a Dream-01-30


Question 1.
Martin Luther king, Jr. was assassinated on-
(A) April 4, 1968
(B) April 3,1963
(C) April 14, 1968
(D) April 4, 1965
(A) April 4, 1968

Question 2.
When did Martin Luther king, Jr. deliver his speech ‘I have a Dream’ ?
(A) On August 23, 1953
(B) On August 28, 1963
(C) On April 28, 1963
(D) On August 18, 1962
(B) On August 28, 1963

Question 3.
Through his speech, the author supports the struggle of the-
(B) Red Indians
(C) Negroes
(D) British
(C) Negroes

Question 4.

What is the phrase used by the author, talking about the difficulties, pain and suffering the people face when they raise voice against injustice and discrimination ?
(A) Trials ans tributes
(B) Tearing up the tiring
(C) Trials and tribulations
(D) Languishing tribulations
(C) Trials and tribulations

Question 5.
If America becomes a great nation, it mustn’t overlook the problems of – ,
(A) Farmers
(B) Labourers
(C) Negroes
(D) Unemployeds
(C) Negroes

Question 6.
The pledge is to always go ahead on the path of-
(A) Hills
(B) Success
(C) Freedom
(D) Love
(C) Freedom

Question 7.

This pledge will be fulfilled only when the rights were given to-
(A) Humanity
(B) Workers
(C) Communists
(D) Negroes
(D) Negroes

Question 8.
Who is the author of the prose piece, ‘I Have A Dream’ ?
(A) Martin Martini
(B) Martin Luther king
(C) Martin Luther king, Jr.
(D) H.E. Bates
(B) Martin Luther king

Question 9.
Martin Luther king, Jr. was born in-
(A) 1919
(B) 1929
(C) 1939
(D) 1917
(B) 1929

Question 10.

Martin Luther King, Jr. died in-
(A) 1978
(B) 1958
(C) 1968
(D) 1948
(C) 1968

Question 11.
What was Martin Luther King, Jr. before becoming a civil rights activist ?
(A) Businessman
(B) Baptist minister
(C) Teacher
(D) Musician
(B) Baptist minister

Question 12.

Martin Luther king, Jr. was influenced by which Indian leader ?
(A) Gandhiji
(B) Tilak
(C) Nehru
(D) Gokhale
(A) Gandhiji

Question 13.
The slum area densely populated by an isolated community is marked by—
(A) safe place
(B) fallen
(C) ghetto
(D) oasis
(C) ghetto

Question 14.
King is regarded as one of the greatest—
(A) artists
(B) scientists
(C) separatists
(D) orators
(D) orators

Question 15.

The author advocates—
(A) non-violent struggle
(B) violent Struggle
(C) both the ways
(D) None of these
(A) non-violent struggle

Question 16.
Martin Luther King Jr. was born in-
(A) 1939
(B) 1929
(C) 1919
(B) 1929

Question 17.
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on-
(A) March 4
(B) April 4
(C) May 4
(D) December 4
(B) April 4

Question 18.
King was assassinated in—
(A) 1968
(B) 1954
(C) 1942
(D) 1978
(A) 1968

Question 19.

Have a Dream’ is a speech delivered by King on—
(A) August 28, 1963
(B) June 28,1965
(C) May 28,1953
(D) April 28,1973
(A) August 28, 1963

Question 20.
America gave the Negro people—
(A) a good cheque
(B) a bad cheque
(C) a tom cheque
(D) None of these
(B) a bad cheque

Question 21.
By the signing of the emancipation proclamation the hopes of the Negro population—
(A) fulfilled
(B) half fulfilled
(C) remained unfulfilled
(D) None of these
(C) remained unfulfilled

Question 22.
To overlook the Negro would he—
(A) good
(B) beneficial
(C) fatal
(D) None of these
(C) fatal

Question 23.

The Negroes made the pledge that they will always—
(A) march ahead
(B) march back
(C) march slowly
(D) None of these
(A) march ahead

Question 24.
How many times King repeats that ‘we cannot be satisfied’
(A) two times
(B) three times
(C) five times
(D) six times
(C) five times

Question 25.
The word ‘momentous’ stands for—
(A) foolishness
(B) aggressive
(C) very important
(D) unimportant
(C) very important

Question 26.
They had dream that one day they would—
(A) divide the nation
(B) kill the white people
(C) get their rights
(D) None of these
(C) get their rights

Question 27.

Racial discrimination is against—
(A) capitalism
(B) power
(C) secularism
(D) human rights
(D) human rights

Question 28.
‘I Have a Dream’ is written by —
(A) Germaine Greer
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) H.E. Bates
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.

Question 29.
Martin Luther King, Jr. has written the lesson—
(A) The Artist
(B) I Have a Dream
(C) A Pinch of Snuff
(D) Bharat Is My Home
(B) I Have a Dream

Question 30.
‘I Have a Dream’ is a part of speech delivered by —
(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) H.E. Bates
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.

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