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Class-12- -English -MCQ on I Have a Dream-31-60


Question 31.
Martin Luther King, Jr. belonged to —
(A) Britain
(B) France
(C) China
(D) The USA
(D) The USA

Question 32.

The condition of the ………….. apalling.
(A) African
(B) Negroes
(C) Indians
(D) None of these
(B) Negroes

Question 33.
………… is sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression.
(A) Newyork
(B) Texas
(C) Chicago
(D) Mississippi
(D) Mississippi

Question 34.
…………. was a great orator.
(A) PearLS. Buck
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) Germaine Greer
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.

Question 35.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a —
(A) Negro
(B) German
(C) French
(D) None of these
(A) Negro

Question 36.
Nobel Prize for Peace was given to Martin Luther King, Jr. in —
(A) 1963
(B) 1964
(C) 1965
(D) 1966
(B) 1964

Question 37.

Nigroes are the former …………. of America.
(A) farmers
(B) traders
(C) slaves
(D) None of these
(C) slaves

Question 38.
…………… is a desert state of the USA.
(A) Mississippi
(B) Alabama
(C) Georgia
(D) None of these
(A) Mississippi

Question 39.
Martin Luther King, Jr. had children.
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
(D) four

Question 40.
advocates non-violent struggle;
(A) Pearl S. Buck
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) Shiga Naoya
(C) Martin Luther King, Jr.

Question 41.
Martin Luther King, Jr. loves the white —
(A) African
(B) Asian
(C) European
(D) American
(D) American

Question 42.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a —
(A) artist
(B) civil right activists
(C) scientist
(D) philosopher
(B) civil right activists

Question 43.
Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his speech in Washington DC on August—
(A) 25, 1963
(B) 28,1963
(C) 12,1964
(D) 28,1965
(B) 28,1963

Question 44.
Martin Luther King, Jr. dislikes discrimination.
(A) caste
(B) sex
(C) religion
(D) racial
(D) racial

Question 45.
‘I Have a Dream’ is a speech delivered by —
(A) Germaine Greer
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) H.E. Bates
(D) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(D) Martin Luther King, Jr.

Question 46.
The ‘bank of justice’ is — [2018A, I.A.]
(A) bankrupt
(B) highway
(C) staggered
(D) struggled
(A) bankrupt

Question 47.

……………. has given the Negro people a bad cheque which has come back marked in sufficient fund!
(A) Europe
(B) Canada
(C) America
(D) Mexico
(C) America

Question 48.
Who is the author ofthe prose piece,’I Have A Dream ?
(A) Martin Bartini
(B) Martin Luther King
(C) Martin Luther King. Jr.
(D) Brutal Bessul
(C) Martin Luther King. Jr.

Question 49.
The hope is the that every valley should be exalted.
(A) stream
(B) dream
(C) valley
(D) state
(B) dream

Question 50.
In which year Martin Luther King, Jr. became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Prize ?
(A) 1971
(B) 1960
(C) 1964
(C) 1964

Question 51.
It would be fatal for the natipn to overlook the serious and urgept call of the………..
(A) hour
(B) second
(C) moment
(D) minute
(C) moment

Question 52.
Mart in.Lut her King, Jr. was assasinated on
(A) April 4,1968
(B) April, 4,1963
(C) April 14,1968
(D) April 4,1965
(A) April 4,1968

Question 53.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was influenced by which Indian leader ?
(A) Gandhiji
(B) Tilak
(C) Nehru
(D) Gokhale
(A) Gandhiji

Question 54.
Who was Martin Luther, King Jr- born ?
(A) 1918
(B) 1929
(C) 1939
(D) 1917
(B) 1929

Question 55.
What was martin Luther King, Jr. before becoming a civil right activist ?
(A) Businessman
(B) Baptist minister
(C) Preacher
(D) magician
(B) Baptist minister

Question 56.
When did Martin Luther King. Jr. die
(A) 1948
(B) 1958
(C) 1968
(D) 1978
(C) 1968

Question 57.
When did Martin Luther King, Jr. deliver his speech’I have a Dream’ ?
(A) On August 28,1953
(B) On August 28,1963
(C) On August 28 1963
(D) On August 18,1962
(B) On August 28,1963

Question 58.

If America becomes a great Nation, it mustn’t over look the problem of
(A) fanners
(B) labourers
(C) Negroes
(D) unemployed
(C) Negroes

Question 59.
This pledge will be fulfilled only when the fights were given to
(A) fanners
(B) workers
(C) communist
(D) Negroes
(D) Negroes

Question 60.
Through his speech, the author supports the struggle of the
(A) fanners
(B) Indians
(C) Negroes
(D) British
(C) Negroes

Question 61.

The pledge is to always go ahead on the path of
(A) farmers
(B) sucess
(C) freedom
(D) love
(C) freedom

Question 62.
What is the phrase used by the author, talking about the difficulties, pain and suffering the people face when they raise voice against injustice and discrimination?
(A) trials and tributes
(B) trials and tribulations
(C) race tribulations
(D) languishing race tribulations
(B) trials and tribulations

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